1. Tony Robbins – Robbins is a world-renowned life and business strategist who has helped millions of people achieve their goals through his books, seminars, and coaching programs.
2. Brendon Burchard – Burchard is a high-performance coach and best-selling author who has dedicated his career to helping people achieve their full potential.
3. Mel Robbins – Robbins is a motivational speaker and best-selling author who has inspired millions of people to overcome their fears and take action in their lives.
4. Gary Vaynerchuk – Vaynerchuk is an entrepreneur, investor, and best-selling author who has built a massive following by sharing his no-nonsense advice on business and personal growth.
5. Robin Sharma – Sharma is a leadership expert and best-selling author who has helped executives, entrepreneurs, and other high achievers reach their full potential.
6. Marie Forleo – Forleo is a business coach, author, and host of the MarieTV show, where she shares practical advice on personal growth and entrepreneurship.
7. Lewis Howes – Howes is a best-selling author, podcast host, and speaker who shares his insights on personal growth and business success.
8. James Clear – Clear is a writer, speaker, and author of the best-selling book “Atomic Habits,” which offers practical advice on how to build good habits and break bad ones.
9. Eckhart Tolle – Tolle is a spiritual teacher and author of the best-selling book “The Power of Now,” which offers insights on mindfulness, presence, and personal transformation.
10. Simon Sinek – Sinek is a leadership expert and author of the best-selling book “Start With Why,” which offers insights on how to inspire others and create a sense of purpose in your life and work